Shodor Computational Science Institute

[ SCSI Hyper-Syllabus ]


The Shodor staff begins the day with handing out T-shirts to the class. The problem of the day is handed out...

Optimal Control and Harvesting

A species of sandhill crane indigenous to North America (Grus canadensis) was declared an endangered species in 1916. These birds do considerable crop damage when their numbers are increased, so hunting permits were allowed starting in 1961. The primary question of interest is: How many permits should be sold per year?

Discrete Event Simulation

Steve gave a presentation on Discrete Event Simulation.

Internet Resources -- Including the MASTER tools...

Bob gives a presentation on Internet Resources/MC Master.

Population Modeling

In the afternoon, Holly gave a presentation on Population Models.

As usual, between mini-sessions of interest, participants spent the day in the lab...

Developing Computational Science Curricula

The last session of the day was given by the visiting professors of Wofford College and Clemson University. They discussed a Computational Science Curriculum at their universities.

After all the sessions were over the group stepped outside for a photo shot.

Last Update: July 22, 2000
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